Are Heated Cat Beds Safe?

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We all know cats are heat seekers by nature. That’s why they prefer to use warm places to sleep. And for these reasons, most cat owners prefer a heated cat bed. But wait, before introducing it to your cat; your concern should be “are heated cat beds safe”?

So, let us make it clear to you that heated cat beds are safe. But, there are certain precautions that you need to take before introducing heated cat beds to your cat. So, in today’s guide, we will discuss all the ins and outs of heated cat beds to resolve your concerns about “are heated cat beds safe.” All you have to do is, stick with us till the end.

Are Heated Cat Beds Safe?

Before you know the answer to “are heated cat beds safe,” You need to know how much wattage is used in the heated cat bed. So, simply a heated bed uses an average wattage of less than a night light. That’s why heat beds are completely safe.

Meanwhile, remember that a quality heated cat bed won’t get overheated. So, if you are placing your hand on the cat bed to feel warm, you need to know that your cat can feel the heat only when she snuggles on it. Furthermore, heated cat beds generally produce heat up to 10 to 15 degrees. Once the cat starts using it, the temperature will rise but remain up to a safe temperature of around 102F.

Remember, if you prefer an electric heated cat bed, you must be sure about the quality and circuit used in it. That’s why to ensure your cat’s safety, get the best cat bed and consider checking the wires, electrical inputs, or outputs over time before your cat snuggles on it. However, don’t hesitate to change the bed once needed and once you notice any damage. Your cat’s health always matters over finances.

Wait, to further resolve your query, “are heated cat beds safe.” We created two scenarios for why and why not to use a heated cat bed so that you could easily decide whether “are heated cat beds safe or not.”

So, don’t go anywhere, and let’s dig in.

Why Use a Heated Cat Bed?

Yes, cats love comfort and coziness, but it doesn’t mean it is the need of every cat. For example, if you have a cat with thick and fluffy fur, a heated bed might not be her need. Meanwhile, if you have a hairless cat, then getting a heated cat bed can be a need that you should fulfill, especially in winter.

Furthermore, if your cat is ill or suffering from any kind of health issues, then a cat of any age should consult the VET. More specifically, if your cat is suffering from anxiety or stress, then she would look more comfortable than a heated bed can provide. In general heated cat beds work best for senior cats having arthritis issues as it helps them to reduce pain and stiff the joints.

Why Not Use a Heated Cat Bed?

Well, heated cat beds are generally safe, and they don’t tend to have any risk, but the problem occurs if you or your cat prefers the electric cat bed. One of the main reasons is that your cat can chew individual wires of that bed, which can result in dangerous scenarios. Meanwhile, the temperature of an electric cat bed can cause issues.

Furthermore, make sure to place the electric bed in a safe place; otherwise, if you have multiple cats at home; chances are they can get entangled in the wires, which can cause risk. Lastly, keeping the electric cat bed near the water, food or any kind of emergency insertion can cause serious issues.

How Do Heated Cat Beds work?

Most pet parents stay confused about how heated cat beds work. Meanwhile, sometimes you just place your hand on the heated bed to feel the warmth, but you just notice that it doesn’t feel any kind of headedness. So, if you are some pet parents who want to know how heated cat beds work. So, here is our quick answer.

Heated cat beds come in different types. Two common types are electric-heated cat beds and self heated cat beds. The procedure to get heated for both beds is different.

So, as the name suggests, self heated cat beds get warm when your cat lies on them. It has a thin reflective layer that passes heat when your cat uses it. The self-heating beds will never get overheated and remain at a natural temperature of around 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, an electric cat bed is like an emergency blanket that will quickly get heated. They have thermostats that let the bed heat while plugged in. Normally it will get warm up to 80 to 85 degrees which will be around 20 degrees warmer than the room temperature.

Simple is that; this is how a heated bed works.


Is it safe to leave a heated cat bed plugged in at night?

The ideal scenario for this is to read the instructions given by the manufacturer on the packaging and follow them. But, generally, heated cat beds have low wattage and won’t get heated when left plugged in overnight.

Are all heated cat beds safe?

No, all heated cat beds are not safe. The ones that are covered with a light blanket and have one caveat are considered to be the safest and best heated cat beds. Furthermore, reading manual instruction given to manufacturers matters the most.

Do Cats like heated cat beds?

Yes, for sure, cats love heated cat beds as they are just addicted to anything heated, whether it’s a mat, bed, or anything. Cats are generally heat seekers and prefer places where they can feel enough warmth and comfort with coziness.

Are heated cat beds safe for a cat of any age?

Generally, heated cat beds are safe for all ages, but the number of wattages used will change over time. Meanwhile, some other factors need to be considered before knowing whether they are dangerous for your cat’s age or not. That’s why before you get into it, consider consulting with the VET and changing the bed depending on her age requirements.

So, Are Heated Cat Beds Safe?

To up-wrap our today’s discussion about “are heated cat beds safe”. We concluded that they are completely safe but make sure to take the best one and use the certain precautions stated above.

If enjoy giving a read to our today’s guide about “are heated cat beds safe or not” then don’t forget to share with other pet parents who need to know. Got any furthermore query? Do write in the comment section.

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