How to Choose a Cat Harness: A Guide for Pet Owners

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If you want to take your cat outside for a walk or an adventure, you will need a cat harness. A cat harness is a device that fits around your cat’s body and attaches to a leash. A cat harness can provide safety and comfort for your cat, as well as control and peace of mind for you. However, not all cat harnesses are created equal. There are many factors to consider when choosing a cat harness for your feline friend. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of selecting the best cat harness for your cat.

Why Do You Need a Cat Harness?

A cat harness is essential if you want to take your cat outside. Unlike dogs, cats are not used to being on a leash and may try to escape or get tangled. A cat harness can prevent these problems by distributing the pressure evenly across your cat’s chest and back, instead of pulling on their neck. A cat harness can also prevent your cat from running away or getting lost, as well as protect them from potential dangers such as cars, dogs, or other animals.

What Types of Cat Harnesses Are There?

There are two main types of cat harnesses: H-style and vest-style.

H-style harnesses consist of two straps that form an H shape on your cat’s body. One strap goes around the neck and the other goes around the chest. H-style harnesses are adjustable and easy to put on and take off. However, they may not be very secure or comfortable for some cats, especially if they are skittish or pull hard on the leash.

Vest-style harnesses are more like jackets that cover your cat’s chest and back. They usually have Velcro or buckle closures and a D-ring on the back to attach the leash. Vest-style harnesses are more secure and comfortable for most cats, as they provide more coverage and support. However, they may be harder to put on and take off, especially if your cat is not used to wearing clothes. They may also be too warm for some cats in hot weather.

How to Measure Your Cat for a Cat Harness?

Before you buy a cat harness, you need to measure your cat’s size. You will need a measuring tape and your cat’s cooperation. You can use treats or toys to entice your cat to stay still while you measure them. You need to measure two parts of your cat’s body: the neck and the chest.

The neck measurement is the circumference of your cat’s neck at the base, where the collar would normally go. The chest measurement is the circumference of your cat’s chest at the widest point, behind the front legs. You should measure your cat snugly but not tightly, leaving enough room for one or two fingers to fit under the tape.

Once you have your cat’s measurements, you can compare them to the size chart of the cat harness you want to buy. Make sure you choose the right size that fits your cat’s measurements. If your cat is between sizes, it is better to go for the larger size and adjust it as needed.

How to Put On and Take Off a Cat Harness?

Putting on and taking off a cat harness can be tricky at first, but with some patience and practice, you and your cat can get used to it. Here are some tips to make the process easier:

– Start by introducing your cat to the harness gradually. Let them sniff and play with it before you try to put it on them. You can also leave it near their bed or food bowl so they associate it with something positive.

– Choose a time when your cat is calm and relaxed, such as after a meal or a nap. Avoid putting on the harness when your cat is excited or stressed.

– Reward your cat with treats and praise every step of the way. Give them a treat when they let you touch them with the harness, when you put it on them, when you adjust it, and when you take it off.

– Make sure the harness fits properly and does not restrict your cat’s movement or breathing. You should be able to fit one or two fingers under any part of the harness. If the harness is too loose, your cat may slip out of it or get tangled in it. If the harness is too tight, your cat may feel uncomfortable or suffocated.

– Start with short sessions of wearing the harness indoors before you take your cat outside. Let your cat get used to walking around with the harness on without the leash attached. Gradually increase the duration and frequency of wearing the harness until your cat is comfortable with it.

– When you are ready to take your cat outside, attach the leash to the harness and let your cat explore at their own pace. Do not force or drag your cat along. Follow their lead and let them decide where they want to go and how fast they want to go. Keep an eye on your cat and watch out for any signs of stress or discomfort.


Q1: Why do I need a cat harness?

A1: A cat harness is necessary if you want to take your cat outside for a walk or adventure. It ensures your cat’s safety by preventing escape attempts, tangling, and potential dangers such as cars or other animals. It also offers control and peace of mind for you as the owner.

Q2: What are the main types of cat harnesses?

A2: There are two main types of cat harnesses: H-style and vest-style. H-style harnesses consist of two straps forming an “H” shape, with one strap around the neck and the other around the chest. Vest-style harnesses resemble jackets and provide more coverage and support. They typically have Velcro or buckle closures and a D-ring for leash attachment.

Q3: How do I measure my cat for a cat harness?

A3: To measure your cat for a harness, you’ll need a measuring tape. Measure the neck circumference at the base, where a collar would go, and measure the chest circumference at the widest point behind the front legs. Snug but not tight is the ideal fit, leaving room for one or two fingers under the tape.

Q4: How do I put on and take off a cat harness?

A4: To put on a cat harness, introduce it gradually to your cat, allowing them to sniff and play with it. Choose a calm and relaxed time, rewarding your cat with treats and praise throughout the process. Ensure a proper fit, neither too loose nor too tight, and start with short indoor sessions before venturing outside. Attach the leash when ready and let your cat explore at their own pace.

Q5: Any additional tips for choosing and using a cat harness?

A5: Remember that every cat is unique, and some may require more time and training to adjust to wearing a harness. Be patient and respectful of your cat’s feelings and personality. When choosing a cat harness, consider factors such as security, comfort, and ease of use. Follow the instructions provided with the harness and monitor your cat for signs of stress or discomfort during walks or outdoor activities.


A cat harness can be a great way to enrich your cat’s life and bond with them. However, choosing a cat harness can be challenging if you don’t know what to look for. We hope this guide has helped you understand how to choose a cat harness that suits your cat’s needs and preferences.

Remember that every cat is different and may react differently to wearing a harness. Some cats may love it right away, while others may need more time and training to get used to it. Be patient and respectful of your cat’s feelings and personality.

If you have any questions or comments about choosing a cat harness, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you!

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